PURE HEAT. PERfect flavour.

Aromachef has been supplying Kiwi BBQers with quality charcoal, woodchips and accessories since long before anybody ever called themselves a Pitmaster. And competition BBQing was just mates trying to out-do eachother.
It all started with woodchips, but when all the newly arrived South African's started telling us about this amazing Namibian hardwood charcoal they used to get back home we thought we better look into it.
We found the source and imported some for ourselves. Turns out they were onto something. The charcoal had a pure heat, contained no toxins, and infused the food with a delicious, natural smokey flavour. We were hooked, we added Aromachef Hardwood Lump Charcoal and Aromachef Hotrox Briquettes to the range, and they are now our biggest sellers.
We have since added BBQ Firelighters, Gel Fuel, Chimney Starters, SMOKERS, AND even potjie pots to our product line up. We've also enlisted Dale (Daza) Skudder and the team at Smoke N Hotrox Chefs to help promote, grow and improve the BBQing scene here in New Zealand. If you see Daza at a comp feel free to ask him your burning questions, he's always keen to impart some wisdom.
You'll find Aromachef products at Mitre 10 stores across the country, as well as some specialty BBQ and South African shops.
Aromachef charcoal contains no artificial additives and Hotrox briquettes are pressed using a natural maize starch binder.
Aromachef is derived from Namibian Intruder bush. Which has been approved as a renewable resource by the FOREstry stewardship Council.
Aromachef charcoal is a 100% pure high grade product which is used in top restaurants across the globe.
While some charcoal is simply fodder to produce heat, Aromachef charcoal actually infuses your food with natural, smokey flavour. and isn't that the point of cooking with charcoal!
This is because Aromachef charcoal is derived from Namibian Intruder bush - a thorny, water-hungry bush that sucks the life blood from Namibia’s Savannah ecosystem. Due to the extremely dry growing conditions, the Intruder Bush species is an exceptionally hard wood, which produces outstanding quality charcoal. and because it's considered a invasive pest, harvesting it actually helps return the savannah to its natural state.
WHY use aromachef?
briquettes VS lump
Briquettes tend to burn longer, and because of their uniform shape they’re better for setting up longer cooks using the snake or minion method.


Lump is better for direct cooking as it lights up faster and burns hotter. It is also good for quickly adjusting temperature on longer cooks.

You can use both forms interchangeably, but each has its benefits.

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